The Case Of The Blindly Plowing PUA

A reader tries to convince us a bad hand is The Nuts and we take him to the tables to teach him a lesson about The Plowing PUA

One of the biggest joys of putting out an (almost) daily blog is the letters we get from readers who tell us how we presented a personally pernicious problem of theirs in a particularly powerful perspective that subsequently popped it right outta the ‘Problem’ folder and slammed it into the ‘Past’ one.
Those letters make us smile.
Glad we can be of some help – good to know some things we write hit a chord.
Of course, every now and then we get the bit where some guy lets us know we hit a nerve …
“You guys got it wrong! Many times I’ve banged girls that weren’t interested in me right from the start. If I had ejected right at the beginning like you teach, I wouldn’t have laid any of them.”
And to him we would say this:
Wow, good for you.
No, really.
Except you may as well have told us “You should go and play Blackjack in a Las Vegas casino. I did and I won many hands.”
You’ve told us a lot, but not everything.
You especially haven’t told us the crucial thing: what percentage of hands did you actually win and did those wins more than offset the number of times – and more importantly the amounts of money – that you lost?
So, bringing this back to dating …
How many girls, specifically, have you banged that weren’t interested in you right from the start?
And while we’re gathering stats, how about telling us how many girls you kept on talking to, despite their not warming to you immediately, who ultimately didn’t give you their numbers?
Along with the number of those that gave you the number, but wouldn’t answer/return your calls – what are your stats on that piece of crucial data.
Or the ones that answered, but refused to go out on dates when you asked them out?
Or went out on dates with you, but didn’t close?
Or closed once, but went nowhere/ended quickly after that?
In other words, what percentage of girls did your ‘plowing’ actually ‘work on’, from beginning to end?
(For guys not familiar with the term – plowing [sometimes spelled as ploughing] refers to when the guy keeps on talking/stepping to a girl who has already shown little/no interest in him from the jump, all in the hopes of getting her to come around and give him some play.)
The numbers/percentages we’re looking for from the above scenarios become incredibly useful stats when compared against these:
How many girls, specifically, have you bopped that WERE interested in you right from the start?
And how does that number measure up against the total number you talked to that you knew were down from the very beginning?
You know, those girls that liked you and made it all easy for you to do your thing – the Cooperative Ones.
You see, in our book, it doesn’t really matter how many girls you got by plowing – it’s the same as telling us you won a few hands of blackjack. What matters to us are the percentages and whether or not you’re advocating a winning strategy.
So why would anyone in their right minds advocate plowing?
Well, for one, plowing quickly allows the operator to convince himself that he’s actually making progress:
“Hey, she’s listening to me. I must be getting somewhere!”
Another reason could be it allows the operator to pat himself on the back for ‘Not being a Quitter!’
It reinforces the trope ‘Winners never quit and quitters never win!’
Only later do the results of all his work become painfully clear – the real numbers will usually show him that he’s really playing a loser’s game.
For example, if you tell me you ‘plowed’ with a hundred ladies, and 7 actually slept with you (success rate of 7%), and that 5 of them you recognized as immediately liked you from the jump and then 4 those ladies eventually did the Horizontal Mambo with you smooth as silk (success rate of 80%), you’d have a really hard time convincing me that plowinging is viable strategy despite the actual numbers saying so (7 girls through plowing versus 4 that were into you from the get go).
In fact, I’d be seriously wondering why you weren’t doing everything you could to get out there and meet as many women as you possibly could, as quickly as possible, only searching for the hot ones that liked you right from the jump and disqualifying all the rest. 
We learned (yeah, the hard way, trust us) it’s your percentages that will make or break you.
And when you play the odds that are in your favor with massive action to the extreme, the numbers will astound you.
You’ll be getting more great girls, more fun girls.
Just don’t get caught in a game where the percentages working against you.
The casinos sell the dream that anyone can be a winner – when in fact that’s what keeps the suckers coming back for more.
Those joints pay out just enough for the losers to believe they really stand a chance, when in actuality, even when they win they’ve lost.
Learn to read when the odds are stacked against you.
When pickup teaches guys plowing works, they’re feeding guys a shovel full of B.S.
Ploughing takes time, it takes energy, it often takes money, plus it has a built-in frustration drug wired into its very core.
Let’s call it like it is, plowing = begging.
Practicing plowing = practicing begging.
Getting good at plowing = getting good at begging.
Begging for attention. Begging for sex. Begging to be liked. Begging for acceptance.
Newsflash: Begging is NOT attractive to high quality women.
For guys who aren’t experienced with women, it’s the ultimate form of self-disrespect by voluntarily putting yourself beneath a girl who, by definition, is ignoring you, being rude to you, or otherwise showing you a lack of interest.
For guys who are good with women, well, they don’t need to resort to plowing in order to meet and date lots of high quality women.
Looking at it from the percentages and you’ll see it just doesn’t work.
That same amount of time and energy could have been better spent talking to some other girl who was feeling you more and responding well to what you were selling.
But for some guys, it’s not about efficiencies at all.
It’s all about them getting a thrill out of trying to ‘beat the house.’
The Cool Guys know that’s a Sucker’s Bet and never bother setting foot in joint.
Go after the ones that like you.
It makes life a whole lot easier and a lot more healthier.
That’s the real deal.



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