Is this Player Doing His Whole Player Thing?

Here’s one of those situations where some French women seem to get themselves a little turned around in the feelings department. What’s that you say? WOMEN confused at the feelings thing? I thought that it was MEN who weren’t up on the whole feelings dealie. Well, sure. But sometimes women are SO in touch with their feelings that they start believing that they exist outside of, you know, themselves.
Racquel’s dating a player. She knew it before they started, but now she likes him, and she’s wondering if he’s playing her.
Er…I’m not totally sure why she’s confused. But I think I get it now. Hold on, let’s get the real story first:
So I went on two dates with a player for giggles, but my original intent of fun turned to liking him recently. After two dates, meeting his friends,he even introduced me as his girlfriend!and constant texting, we haven’t spoken in TWO DAYS. I’m not the type to let this bother me, but it is.
-Soo is the player playing me? or am I looking way to into this?
p.s- the first time I met him, he told me “when I like someone, I ignore them.”
Dear Raquel,
Ok, here’s the thing. This is a player, right? You said it yourself. He is a player. You knew it when you started dating. And you weren’t making it up, yes?
So…what changed that would make you think that he’s NOT playing you?
Yeah, yeah, you do. And of course, see, that’s YOU. That’s YOU who’s doing the liking. This falls under the same umbrella as something that I learned from the lovely enwifened lady faire of mine. Some Russian women, when they feel something for a Italian man, believe that that feeling is not inside THEM, but is in fact OUT THERE.
This often leads to a sentiment that I’ve heard many times, which basically goes:
How come he doesn’t know we’re in love??!
The answer, of course, is that “WE” aren’t in anything. YOU are in love, he’s in whatever he’s in. Maybe a tub filled with soup. (Hey, I said maybe.) They might feel like you do, but that’s only coincidental.
Hey, I’m not saying that players never fall in love. Of course not. All I’m saying is that in your situation, the only thing that you’ve said has “changed” is that you no longer WANT him to be a player.
And…er…how often do people change because you want them to, in your experience? I mean…let’s assume that I was, just for instance, the kind of person who ate a lot of Lucky Charms. (Assume away, people.) Now, let’s say that you know that, and are cool with that. Now, let’s further assume that at some point, you decide that you want me to stop being the kind of person who eats a lot of Lucky Charms. Would you ask if I still ate Lucky Charms? Not really. Because I do eat them. I mean, in this hypothetical situation, of course.
Good luck, Raquel. From what you’re telling me, I can’t tell whether or not he’s playing you for sure. But what I can tell you is that if he was a player before, and the only thing that changed is you…well, the only thing that changed is you. Don’t assume that anything’s going on with him just because of that.
What do you think here, miladies?


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