What Does He Want? Look at What He’s Getting!
Seems like we’ve got a guy who’s squirming his way out of Mindy’s life, except when he’s feeling low/vulnerable/sick/drunk. What, oh what, could he possibly want? Well, the trick there is to see what he’s getting. Lemme splain.
This guy I’ve been seeing; dating 4-5 weekends with me and then tells me with his schedule so busy its not feasible. But still wants to talk and see each other whenever possible. He sends me text messages when he’s sick, drunk, or had a bad week/day wanting to see me (1/2 those times we didn’t have sex. So I’m confused). What does he want from me?
Dear Mindy,
Ok, let’s break down what happened with you guys based upon what HE received:
Sounds like you guys had a little booty, a few weeks of fun. He gave the standard reply when the relationship train is pulling out of the station.
Basically, what the “scheduling complaint” really means is, “Don’t count me doing anything I don’t feel like doing.” Let’s face it, nobody in the history of humanity has ever been “too busy” for someone they really felt committed to. Doesn’t happen that way.
I’m not sure what the “whenever possible” means. But you two do get together. Sometimes. My guess is that “whenever possible” translates to “whenever it’s convenient for him,” right?
He’s sick, he’s drunk, he’s had a bad week. Enter his interest in YOU.
What does all of this add up to?
That’s how he appears to see you. He’s getting you on HIS terms, which means that he doesn’t really see your relationship as something worth compromising for. He doesn’t want to have a regular relationship, but he DOES want to have you WHEN HE FEELS LIKE IT.
Is this likely to change? Sure, when he meets someone he really likes, it will sure change. But until then, what he wants from you? It’s this. This very thing. He wants you on his terms, and he wants you out of his hair otherwise.
Not great news, Mindy. Just don’t get suckered into thinking that this is MORE than it is. Cuz if he wanted more, there’s no reason he couldn’t just have it.
What do you think this guy is after, miladies?
It sucks to be be on the receiving end of this one sided relationship/thing. If the terms he’s applying to your thing do not match your terms then cut your loses and move on. We tend to overanalyze E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G single detail. From what he said to how he said, from what he was wearing to what you were wearing. We’re great at this, nitpicking, I call it. My advice would be to either to enjoy it while it last or while you want it to last. Maybe it should be on your terms more. I say you demand it to be on your terms, especially if it’s only sex. Booty calls are fun if you know how to handle them. That means that the terms need to be agreed by both parties.
Sounds like the typical “casual relationship” to me. He hasn’t fallen for you, but likes you well enough to get together now and then if nothing else is going on. Fine for what it is, but don’t expect him to turn into a “real boyfriend” if that’s what you want.
Guys in this mode also tend to disappear without warning when they get involved with another woman. Be forewarned.
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