On Affairs and Cheating

Let’s address a somewhat hot topic today: Cheating your partner. Some call it fling, others may call it affair, escapade, adultery or even “love affair”. Actually, cheating can include some strong feelings but for the sake of simplicity and honesty, we will use the word cheating.
And if we talk about honesty: who has never thought of cheating his boyfriend (yeah girls I speak about YOU!) or cheating his girlfriend? Do not be outraged girls, if you girls weren’t cheating, with whom could the boys cheat you then? And boys: make for yourself clear that girls cheat, too. That means: you could be cheated as well ;)

Back to topic. Now we made clear that (many if not most) both boys and girls are sometimes attacked by someone else as sex partners even if they are happy in their relationship. Sexual interest or attraction does not mean that you do not love your partner any more or that something is wrong with your relationship. If you are continuously unhappy with your relationship, well, that’s something else. You will notice this anyway. But concluding that something is wrong with your relationship just because feel some attraction for someone else it is definitely wrong. Many people fall prey to this misconception and start mess up everything. Do not be that naive.
Attraction is the one thing, cheating your partner is another. There are different types of cheating and different stages following completely different rules.

Types of cheating

The most simple form of cheating is of course the one-night stand. It’s all about sex, at least some sympathy should be given, too, but basically a one-night sex is a sexual issue. Nobody expects the other to make an attempt of establishing a long-term relationship or to repeat the sexual encounter and therefore it can be considered the safest form of cheating. But it is still cheating. And cheating means always: you can lose your current partner. How to Get Back With Your Ex | How to Get Your Ex Back – SavingTheLove.com might help you, but it might be much better to prevent :)
The next stage of cheating your partner would be casual sex or a casual relationship. It is not about having several one-night stands but having sex with the same individual, but on a casual base. When the situation fits it might come to a fling ;-) This kind of cheating might endanger your relationship much more than a simple one-night stand as feelings could grow and could confuse you. Your partner might take notice and as humans are just what they are, chances grow that everything gets complicated. You should also be aware of the fact that many partners would rather forgive you the one-night stand, but casual sex as happening more often is judged as much harder form of cheating.
The next stage of cheating your partner is obviously to have an affair. Feelings are at stake, it is not just a fling, neither some kind of friendship, or a casual relationship – it is already a second relationship! You may think at the beginning that everything is under control and that you can manage this. But soon there will appear first jealousy, your partner will notice something has changed, you have to hide evidence and find more and more excuses for being with your other partner (such as much work at the job etc.). Such a kind of cheating is rarely forgiven and you risk losing your partner. While some sexual attraction or sympathy is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about when you notice, having an affair is a really serious form of cheating.
But all these happen. I am not here to judge anyone, neither to convince you to not cheat your partner. I am sure: most of us did already, at least once in their lifetime. But one should consider if it is worth it. If your partner will not notice that you are cheating on her/him – why not? But can you be so sure? And when it comes to safety: think of sexually transmitted diseases – in other words protection is not an option but mandatory.
Well, what’s next? Obviously we have to discuss on

How to Cheat Your Partner

So let’s assume you opted for a fling. A good idea would be a fling agency. Why choosing an agency? Because you can be sure that it is safe. Sure, the hot neighbor is attractive or there might be a really sweet friend of a friend or even a colleague. That might be tempting but it is the best way to run into troubles. So an agency would be a safe way for cheating.
So that was enough for now with tips – because I myself do not consider a fling the right way to behave in relationships… it would be much better to have a happy life with your partner 


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