
Сообщения за август, 2020

Facing your fears about dating

10 Steps to Solidify Your Love Flirting Tips – 4 “Tricks” To Advance a Relationship Top 3 Ways To Turn an Online Chat into a Long Term Love How The Superbowl Can Improve My Relationship Am I Becoming a Prude? “Just Say No” To Toxic ONLINE People Relationships Red Flag Alert! Safely Dating Online is About to Get Easier The Race To Marry … I ’ m Not Winning When Your Boyfriend’s Best Bud Is Gay Spruce Up Your Online Dating Profile Should We Just Be Friends? Dating can bring out a lot of self esteem issues. We tend to start over thinking thing and creating a lot of drama. What I mean is we second guess ourselves all the time and begin to internalize things. When it comes to love your really need to be open and not feed into insecurities that can take over. You need an open heart. Find what works best for you whether that is internet dating, blind dates or just going out to places that singles hang out. We can’t hide and feel sorry for ourselves we need to trust in th...

Last Minute Resistance

  I    couldn’t write a   Dating   without talking about LMR.    Notice that NO means no and when in doubt stop .  But I also want to say that sometimes No means not yet.   In person there is a huge difference and it’s really easy to tell.  If she is moaning and saying I barely know you or it’s too soon and she is stopping you but saying it passively.  Then that means not yet.   But if she is serious and says no that means no. How to avoid LMR Over my years of getting better and better with the opposite sex I find that I don’t really like dealing with LMR and instead I want to completely avoid it by doing two things.  Sure with the right attitude you can plow through it and sometimes you need too but I think it’s much better to avoid last minute resistance.  I avoid it by doing two things. 1.  Comfort.  The longer you spend with a girl the more comfortable she is with you.  The more place...

How I Get Into State With My Wing

  Legend and I have been winging each other for years.  We’ve had massive success, created amazing memories and have had tons of fun, but every step of the way we’ve asked ourselves:  How can we make this even better? Better.  Faster.  More effective.  And more fun… One thing we just discovered this weekend is how to turn a “bad night” into a “good night” and help each other as wings. Now, before I talk about what we’ve started doing, let me give you some background and context into what I’m talking about. For years, Legend and I have talked about the good night/bad night phenomenon in our time in field, where one night of the weekend we’ll be  on fire  and the other night will be virtually a dud. We would talk about it, analyze and come up with reasons and realizations as to why the night was a dud (we didn’t get any momentum, we weren’t in state, etc.), but regardless of what the reasons were, we had no way of getting into a good state that...

Is he my boyfriend or what?

  Dear Guys, I met “M” two years ago in a college class. We hit it off right away and for most of that semester were connected at the hip. About a month or so after we met I slept with him for the first time, and we’ve pretty much been Friends with Benefits since then. I’ve always had strong feelings for him, and he has feelings for me too. My concern is that we’re actually more then Friends with Benefits and just not admitting it. I’ve met his whole family and he’s met mine too. We spend sometimes three nights a week together, and there’s not always sex involved. Sometimes, more often than not, we cuddle on the couch and watch TV. We drink together a lot, and I sleep over 90% of the time we hang out; we sleep all tangled up together. To me it just really feels like a relationship. It just seems like he’s the best friend boyfriend type. The other thing is that sometimes I feel the opposite. We’ll go through mini-cycles of not talking a lot for like a week or so, and sometimes “M” j...

Approaching A Girl Is Like A Pitch

  Do You Believe This Misleading Dating Myth? Dealing With Rejection From Women Dating Tips For Shy Guys Dating Made Easy For Men Who Want The Best How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone With A Girl Dating And Mastery 25 Rock-Solid Dating Advice For Men Tips Cherry Picking For Dating Tips Are You Afraid Of Using The Word ‘Date’? Creative First Date Ideas: Ping-Pong ¿ El matrimonio realmente debe durar toda la vida? Verdades No Contadas Sobre Las Citas online WHAT MAKES YOU UNDATEABLE What To Know When Dating a Type A Personality Untold Truths About Online Dating Portugal Dating Portugal Women Dating Portugal Single Men Adult Online Dating: Attracting the Man You Want It’s Augut now, and baseball season has kicked in fully.You know what that means… It’s baseball analogy time! When most guys go out to meet women, they’re seeing each approach as a complete 162-game baseball season in-and-of-itself. For example, if the guy is intimidated by a woman’s be...

How to Ask a Girl for Her Phone Number in 10 Seconds

  Have you ever seen a hot girl but been in such a mad rush that you didn't know what to do? Read about my personal story in a situation where there was no time. Last time I told you guys about a girl I met who actually  missed her train to come talk to me . She was too far away to talk so I motioned my phone at her. She then exited (and then missed) her train to meet me so we could talk. Of course, she gave me her number when I asked. After that incident I went to my platform to get on my train that was about to leave. Lo and behold, as I’m walking down the stairs, there is another very pretty girl in a skirt a bit ahead of me. A couple excuses run through my mind about why I shouldn’t approach her. “I just got the phone number of that other girl who is still in eyesight across the platform.” Excuses like these are pretty easy to dissolve, especially when you train for moments like this every day. I lost her for a second in the crowd, while my train was pulling up. ...

This is a Test of the Womenly Right to Pick & Choose

I am probably going to get killed for writing this. This are some very powerful words I’ve got here. This is a seven part series on the most unknown secrets of women. And they are not just any secrets, either. They are the secrets about women that most of us women don’t want any man to ever know about. So why am I posting them? Because I am loyal to my readers as my readers are loyal to me. It’s that simple. Respect for the people I say. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. So read on, follow the advice given here and go on to a successful life in dating. That is of course until you find the right one… The Secret of Some Relationships The fact of the matter is, at some point in your dating life, you have been tested, and if you are dating someone right now, you are probably being tested as I write! We women have our ways of getting to know someone, and we also have the right to pick and choose who we want to date, just as men do and if we feel a test is needed, then we will go ahead a...