How I Get Into State With My Wing

 Legend and I have been winging each other for years.  We’ve had massive success, created amazing memories and have had tons of fun, but every step of the way we’ve asked ourselves:  How can we make this even better?

Better.  Faster.  More effective.  And more fun…

One thing we just discovered this weekend is how to turn a “bad night” into a “good night” and help each other as wings.

Now, before I talk about what we’ve started doing, let me give you some background and context into what I’m talking about.

For years, Legend and I have talked about the good night/bad night phenomenon in our time in field, where one night of the weekend we’ll be on fire and the other night will be virtually a dud.

We would talk about it, analyze and come up with reasons and realizations as to why the night was a dud (we didn’t get any momentum, we weren’t in state, etc.), but regardless of what the reasons were, we had no way of getting into a good state that night if it started down the path of being a dud.

So just last night, Legend and I were at one of our favorite venues.  The conditions were good, I was mentally clear and I was set on having a good, fun, social evening.

And yet, nothing was clicking.  Instead of getting the IOIs (indicators of interest) that I’m used to getting to varying degrees, I was getting averted eye-contact and conversations that just weren’t coming together.

Like I said though, I had mental clarity and I was recognizing the unhelpful thoughts that were coming up.  These were thoughts like:

  • I’m not “in state”
  • I’m looking for validation and positive responses and getting imbalanced when I’m not getting them (criteria dependency)
  • I don’t feel like “the man”
  • I don’t feel like talking to anyone or diving into approaches
  • This evening isn’t turning out to be what I was hoping for.

After about an hour and a half in, I noticed how bummed about how I was feeling and how the evening was going in general.

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At that moment, I said to myself that it was time to get back to the basics.  What is the most basic belief I want to be holding constantly as I’m here?

For me, that state is being the “prize”.  Now I got this from Swinggcat, who’s one of my favorite teachers in the realm of picking up women and sucking them into my world, in a way that has them chasing me and reaching for more of my attention and approval.  You can check out Swinggcat here.

I said to Legend, “OK, I am going to just hold the belief in the forefront of my mind that I am the prize that women are wanting and reaching for.”  Legend was down for the experiment and decided to hold a similar thought for himself, holding the belief, “I am the shit!

We walked around for a minute just soaking in the beliefs and reality of that.  After about a couple of minutes, we returned to the same place we were standing and everything changed.

We were getting looks and indicators of interest left and right.  In fact, two women virtually opened us at that point – they walked right over to us and we just said, “Hi.”

I said to Legend, “OK, I want you to play a game with me for the rest of the night.  Every 30 seconds or minute or two minutes, I want you to ask me, “Hey, are you the prize?”  And I would tap into my mind, make sure I was “there” and respond with a definitive, “Yes, I am the fucking prize!”

After starting this game, the whole night changed.  It went from being a potential dud to one of the best nights we’ve had in a while.  And this is definitely something we’re going to be refining to align with other useful states in field.

One state I want to world on being able to access in a pinch is the “go for it” or “do it now” state, where I just see an opportunity (no matter how ideal or not ideal the conditions) and just go for it.

This line of thinking is all part of the inner game material that I am developing for my inner game coaching clients.  Being able to improve your inner game so that you can blast past sticking points is essential, so if you’re getting caught up on certain areas of picking up women (whether it’s getting thrown off by when a woman acts difficult or even just getting yourself out of the house and approaching), I can help get you there.  Send us an e-mail at askapua (at) and let us know your sticking point.


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