Body Language Signals Of (lack of) Attraction
We’ve all been there – wondering if a date is going well or not, wishing we could read someone’s mind. Well, today I will change all that for you! Nope, you still won’t be able to read mind (i’m working on that) BUT i can help you on reading body languages on whether your date finds your interesting and is attracted to you, or they’re secretly calling their friends to bail them out with one of those moves they rehearsed for emergency bad dates. -winks. Mirror Mirror On The Wall See if she / he has the mirroring effect on you when having a meal with you. This involves them subconsciously mirroring your moves, like simultaneously raising a glass of water to your lips, or simultaneously playing with your cutlery. It could be a whole range of things, but one thing for sure is that if they mirror your moves, they definitely are attracted to you (although there’s an outside chance they’re just attracted to your lovely marinated chicken..) Are You Crossed Out? (Legs) ...