What he Means When he Says You Deserve Better
It’s Friday, ladies. And this week, that means it’s time for a quickie. What does a man mean when he says that you deserve “better than” him? Oh, this one always cracks me up, folks. It really does. Let’s manslate it: 2nd time asker here…different problem same guy! What does it mean when a guy tells you “You deserve better than me and it took me the time we spent together to realize that.” Ohh and we are finally broken up for good this time…no going back but that line is driving me crazy!!! Thanks Dear Beth, The manslation for, “You deserve better than me,” is always one of two things: I intend to treat you badly, and want to give myself some cover so I can say, “Hey, I told you months ago that you deserve better than me!” I want to break up with you with as little fuss as possible. It’s usually #2. The first manslation is more commonly attached to the phrase, “I’m not a good boyfriend.” But this one can occasionally be used in that sense. But no, mostly i...